Continuity of Care Experience

Student continuity of care experiences are a partnership between a woman and a midwifery student whereby the midwifery student experiences the pregnancy, birth and postnatal journey alongside the woman.



An important part of midwifery education is for students to understand what pregnancy, birth and having a baby means to a woman and her family. One way this is learnt is by forming a relationship with a pregnant woman and following her through her pregnancy journey, witnessing the birth of her baby and visiting her in the days following the birth. This is known as a Continuity of Care Experience or "CoCE".

Midwifery students are required to undertake these experiences as a formal requirement of midwifery education in Australia. Following a woman throughout her pregnancy, birth and postnatal experience gives the student the opportunity to experience continuity of care. The CoCE program provides students with opportunities to experience a range of different models of care; they experience different perspectives and ways of thinking which is important in developing their own way of practice. Students learn from talking and listening to women, by observing the relationship between the woman and her care-provider and in developing a range of skills including developing professional relationships, time management, documentation, and clinical midwifery skills. Regular contact with the student during your pregnancy, birth and after your baby is born can be very reassuring as the student can provide supportive care under the direct supervision of a midwife and/or medical practitioner.

The student midwife will be required to:
     • Attend a minimum of 4 antenatal visits.
     • Provide support to you during labor and birth (if you are comfortable with this).
     • Attend a minimum of 2 postnatal visits.
Once completed, the professional relationship with the student will conclude.

Please complete the requested information in the Expression of Interest form below. You will then be linked with a midwifery student from the nominated university. Please allow approximately 7-10 days to hear from the student allocated to you. It is important to know that you can withdraw from the program at any time.

Once you meet up with the midwifery student and are comfortable moving forward with the CoCE, we ask that you sign a consent form which is kept securely in the student’s file on campus. The student documents the partnership like a case study, but your name, the names of your health care providers or the place of birth will not be used in order to protect your privacy. The midwifery student is bound by University policy, Midwifery Code of Practice, Code of Ethics and Midwife Standards of Practice in order to maintain professional standards at all times throughout the CoCE.

If you choose to participate in this partnership, you will continue to receive your usual care from your midwives, doctors or any other care providers. The student will be an extra person that will support you throughout your journey. The student may assist the midwives and other staff with your care but this is completely up to you and what you are comfortable with.

Should you agree to participate in this experience, you will be asked to consider offering the student opportunities to accompany you through such experiences as antenatal clinic visits, childbirth education sessions, routine screening and postnatal visits. Where time and circumstances permit, and with your consent, the student may also be with you during your labour and the birth of your baby.



“Could have not asked for a better support person!”

My student midwife has been absolutely amazing and impressed both of us with her maturity, commitment, genuine interest and willingness to share her knowledge. The level of support she provided to me far exceeded any expectations I had of the CoCE program! I basically saw a different doctor each week, and different midwives conducted postnatal visits.

Therefore, the only person who truly accompanied me throughout my pregnancy and birth, who provided 'continuity of care' from a very early stage, throughout all my antenatal appointments, my birth and several postnatal appointments was my student. I could have not asked for a better support person! Throughout this journey my student always gently reminded me that this was my journey and my body, that every pregnancy and birth was different and that options presented to me - were options that I could consider, but that the final decision was mine. I found this extremely helpful.

“Absolute pleasure”

My student midwife was an absolute pleasure to have journey alongside my hubby and me throughout my pregnancy, during labour and postpartum. It's so lovely to have a dedicated and motivated future midwife who looks out for the mum's well-being.

Having a student midwife made me feel so comfortable, especially in chats after my appointments, and they always looked out for the best in every situation. My student midwife made a note of all my appointments and would ask if I had any questions or concerns which could be discussed further.

My labour was very intense, and my student midwife provided the much-needed support to my husband and me. We’ve successfully made it through our fourth trimester and couldn’t have imagined doing this journey with anyone else! Thanks for everything you’ve done for us!


Enter the due date you are expecting:
Which Hospital or maternity care service are you booked in with? Select "Other" if it is not listed below.
Enter the Hospital name below if it is not listed.
Which University would you prefer to partner with?